For 33 years, Triad Group Plc has been guiding clients through complex digital technology transformation and change. We work in collaboration and as a trusted partner with our clients in criminal justice, public safety and policing, deploying our skilled consultants to lead programmes and projects and deliver digital solutions and services. We have delivered over 100 technology projects within the public sector since 2010 and have an enviable record of compliance with the Government Digital Service Standard and Technology Code of Practice.
Digital Policing has entered one of its most demanding decades. With the accelerating pace of digital change, evolving threat landscapes and Forces facing the pressure to deliver against the Police Digital Strategy, there is much to do. Whether you have to manage an explosion of data, outdated legacy systems, challenges around the management of digital evidence or decisions around moving to the cloud, Triad is the company you can trust to support you through this period.
We have been working in digital policing for over a decade, providing strategy, leadership, advice and direction as well as building high performing, multi-skilled agile teams to deliver digital change. Almost all of our consultants have SC and NPPV3 clearance to aid rapid deployment to client projects. In addition a large portion of our team has experience within the criminal justice and policing domains and bring a deep understanding of the industry, culture and challenging shape of this environment.
Being service and not product focused, Triad can bring an independent voice and a business first, technology second approach to solving your digital and technology problems. By tapping into our expertise, we will work with you to harness digital opportunities across existing and emerging technologies.
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