Public Sector Delegate Fees Please note that registrations are capped at 10 delegates per organisation/force
Summit Sessions Only: Free
Two Day Summit, Dinner and Accommodation: £237.40 + VAT
Pre Summit Reception, Two Day Summit, Dinner and Two Nights Accommodation: £417.40 + VAT
Private Sector Delegate fees Please note that registrations are capped at 1 delegate per organisation and accommodation will be at the nearby overflow Hotel, Holiday Inn Brighton Seafront.
Summit Sessions Only: £600 + VAT (or £300 + VAT per day)
Two Day Summit, Dinner and Accommodation: £837.40 + VAT
Pre Summit Reception, Two Day Summit, Dinner and Two Nights Accommodation: £1,017.40 + VAT
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made on or before 2 August 2023 will be subject to a £40 administration fee. Cancellations made after this date will be non-refundable and ALL charges will apply. Substitutions notified to CJS prior to the event will be accepted with no additional fee.
Please note: A valid Purchase Order number must be entered on registration or a card payment made to secure the booking, any places registered online with or without a Purchase Order Number will be subject to our Cancellation Policy above. CJS Events reserve the right to cancel any places without a Purchase Order number.