At NTT DATA we enable clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. We offer a portfolio of best-in-class consulting services and innovative enterprise solutions tailored to suit the entire IT life cycle.  Supported by our international Centres of Excellence, our team of UK experts deliver services ranging from digital transformation to agile development and intelligent automation.

Within Public Sector our vision is to make a positive contribution to UK society by helping our clients improve the lives of citizens through intelligent application of technology.  We focus on 3 key themes:

Enhance the experience: We design secure, accessible services that empower citizens and engage employees, helping to deliver on our clients’ missions.

Apply the Intelligence: We guide departments to become data-driven intelligently working with complex, national scale data to leverage insight.

Escape from Legacy: We make agile work at scale, move project to product based thinking and accelerate the move of government systems to modern, cloudbased and open architectures

Our work with Policing and within the Home Office has won awards for the innovative application of technology including the Microsoft Government Partner of the Year for our intelligent safeguarding solution ( )