Advent eLearning provides over 30 online treatment programmes targeting low-level offenses that are appropriate for Out of Court Resolutions/Disposals (OoCRs). Courses are written by experts in their respective fields so the content is evidence-based and shown to lower recidivism. They are also browser-translatable so regardless of language, participants can have a positive experience.
Advent eLearning is also a powerful end-to-end solution for managing the complexity of offering OoCRs. From application, registration, to uploading documentation, to completion and create of documents for disposition, Advent eLearning handles it all. It helps assure student participation by providing easy to follow direction and timely notifications to keep them on track. The platform also gives you, the administrator, the oversight you need to stay on top of your programming. Our management tools allow you to view where students are in process, reinstate credentials and even view how they answered questions to potentially provide additional counseling. As well as much more.
Advent eLearning is utilized by over 500 agencies and helps over 100,000 people annually avoid further legal issues. Putting participants on a path to being a productive member of the community.
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